Why You Join Naidu Classes
Shift from rote learning to learning by understanding which naturally come from your interest to learn ...
Therefore, we have developed a unique teaching methodology for the students. In this we concentrate on the basic needs and expectations of Class XI, XII and XII passed Students. For Class XI and XII, we have designed a course in such a way that it fulfills both the board curriculum and the competitive Entrance Examination requirements.
For the preparation of Engineering/Medical Entrance Examination, one must have directional approach, so our teaching methodology plays a key role.
We have a team of highly experienced and dedicated teachers. Their experience brings a comprehensive approach. Our Faculties are quick in harnessing any new technology which will be useful for the latest Entrance Examination Patterns and trends. We believe that the basics always remain the same whereas the form changes from time to time and accordingly our Faculties adjust to the requirements.
The teaching aid has been designed and developed, keeping in mind the new pattern in Engineering/Medical Entrance Examination. Our objective is to generate interest, passion and provide Strong fundamentals. At Naidu Classes, we focus not only on making a student thoroughly knowledgeable but also on developing in him confidence, speed, accuracy and right temperament to face Engineering/Medical Entrance Examination.
Our Course Design
For +2 Sc Integrated Course, the methods adopted in school/college aim at board’s requirement and methods adopted at coaching centres aim at JEE or NEET. The gap between these patterns is never bridged and these patterns are never co-related. Our Course is divided into three levels i.e.
- Level 1 aims towards board examinations
- Level 2 bridges the gap between boards’ pattern and JEE/NEET pattern
- Level 3 emphasizes exclusively on JEE/NEET pattern.
Total quality control Management
At Naidu Classes, we, continuously upgrade the Study Material and Teaching Methods to always maintain the highest quality. We have smart classroom with projector, smart board,3d visualizer, graphic tablets etc. and whenever and wherever technology is required, it is used as a tool to maintain the highest Standards.
Doubt clearing & recovery classes
Though it is always advised to clear doubt in classroom yet in order to clarify the personal doubts we arrange doubt clearing classes as per student’s need. Our Faculty members are always available to solve the problems of individual Student. Complete personal care of each individual is taken to ensure success in Entrance Examination.
Progress Report
Naidu Classes has a computerized system that generates Progress Report sheet of each student showing particulars of marks, position and expected rank. With the help of this progress report a student can analyze his/her performance and can improvise upon his/her weak areas.
Competitive Environment
We create a competitive environment by conducting regular Tests. The teacher-student interaction creates an intellectually pleasant & highly competitive environment. The daily tests and their rankings induce a competitive spirit among students, which ensures perfect development of the students. Chapter ending online test also available for students to know their progress.